I was thinking that I should say something about the repeated
use of the dove/flower image in my work. My recent painting
for Easter is only the latest in a long repetitious line that started
at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Seattle. Mt. Zion's sanctuary
is beautiful in reds and purples, huge unfinished log pillars and
a magnificent fabric banner at it's center. Admittedly, until writing
today, I had never read the intended symbolism of the designer,
Larry Metcalf, Professor of Art at Seattle Pacific University.
I love the banner and spent many many hours admiring it. And,
the image of a dove with the trumpet flowers began pouring itself
into my doodles and drawings. It turns out the flowers are
described by Metcalf to be hyssop, symbolizing penitence and
humility...totally different than my interpretation of blessing and
abundance...the heavens pouring itself into our (my) lives and
the resultant puddles of blessing that should flow to others.
You can read about
the sanctuary design
of Mount Zion at
It is a thoughtfully
beautiful place.
I'm thankful for the
years I spent sitting
in it's beauty.
I'm still not a baptist.